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Our Team

We are happy to introduce the Multiple Sclerosis Alliance of Southern Colorado team. Committed to bring hope, health and independence to those with MS.

  • Nikki Pfeiffer has served as Executive Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Alliance of Southern Colorado for over a decade, fulfilling MSA’s mission of helping clients live their lives with hope, health and independence. During this time, she has greatly expanded services to local clientele and increased community awareness of multiple sclerosis.

    A successful business owner in both California and Colorado, Nikki began raising money for charities with her husband and children over 20 years ago. After Nikki was diagnosed with MS, the MS Society became the family’s charity of choice, and their family-run events brought in over $100,000.

    MSA soon reached out to Nikki and invited her to join the board as their fundraising director. There, she was instrumental in turning an $8-9,000 yearly casino night fundraising event into a $40,000 affair.

    It was about this time that she realized MSA’s budget couldn’t afford the large administrative fees charged by the parent organization. So she helped MSA split from the parent and become a completely independent, locally-supported organization. The newly constituted board appointed Nikki Executive Director of the independent MSA, where she has served ever since, helping families cope with the financial, physical and emotional effects of MS.

    Nikki Pfeiffer earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree with honors in Speech Pathology from the University of Mississippi for Women.

  • Debbie has been in customer service both in and around the healthcare industry for most of her entire professional life. Starting as a home health aide, then as a periodontal assistant, Debbie developed a love for helping others that continues to motivate her today. This part of her career, however, was cut short when the early symptoms of MS lead Debbie to get diagnosed.

    Once she was ready to reenter the working world, Debbie took a job as a coach with Weight Watchers. Once again, she excelled at her job, offering both one-on-one counselling and hosting workshops with as many as 75 attendees. During her 17 years at Weight Watchers, Debbie built a loyal customer following – 130 of which continue to reach out to her today through social media. She probably would have never left if the Covid Pandemic hadn’t forced Weight Watchers to furlough its coaching staff.

    But what a gain for the MS Alliance! Debbie stepped in at the perfect time to take over the Client Services desk. Working directly alongside Nikki, Debbie started making a difference on Day One. Between her personal “insider’s knowledge” of MS and her genuine passion for helping others, she is an office newcomer that clients have already come to adore.

    Debbie has two grown daughters, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She also has a brother and sister, both of whom have MS.

  • As the newest, and youngest, member of our staff, Annelise brings fresh energy and perspective to the MSA. She is still in college where she is studying to become a radiologist. She is also an experienced photographer, editor and animator, and has worked on a variety of professional media projects both here in Colorado and in California. Best of all, she is a quick study, willing to take on any project that is tossed her way. Annelise is delighted to be working alongside Nikki and grateful for the opportunity to develop new skills. She looks forward to meeting and getting to know all our MSA clients. Pictured here with Annelise is Washington, a zebra finch that she rescued and raised by hand.

  • Joy is a 2020 addition to the MSA staff, and she came to the table prepared. Her career in advertising and marketing spans across four decades and three continents, and includes TV, print, multimedia, social media, website development, museum exhibits, and the design and development of visitor centers. She’s a published writer in both English and Spanish and is the author of the book, “The AutiMom Club," which is currently being considered for a comedy television series.

    Joy has long held Nikki Pfeiffer in high regard and has tremendous respect for the MSA. She is honored to now grab an oar and help propel the organization along in its mission.

  • Beginning in early 2023, Kathy joined the MSA as Facilitator for our Support Groups. She has a listener’s heart and avoids any hint of being the final source of knowledge. Rather, she promotes interactions among the participants, helping them to find surprising and meaningful insights they can use, while building relationships that allow them to support each other. Kathy’s role extends beyond the confines of the 60-minute group sessions, as well. Kathy is also one of the staff our clients speak to during follow up wellness calls. Sincerely interested in their stories, Kathy listens to life experiences about and beyond their journey with MS, hoping that they feel heard and allowing the MSA to better serve them.

    Kathy’s path has crossed Nikki’s over the decades, and the two women have an enduring admiration for each other. After receiving her master’s degree from Northwestern University in Clinical Audiology, a younger Kathy instructed a younger Nikki at MUW as the latter pursued her degree in Speech Pathology. Now, Kathy uses her psychology background and pastoral care training as she interacts with MSA clients. These two women with a passion for helping others are working to create an atmosphere where those with MS can thrive.

  • Lindsey joins the MSA with a background in accounting and office management. Her additional service, as a Notary Public and a paralegal for three family law firms, has given her a well-rounded skillset that will greatly benefit the MSA. But this tells only half of her story. Lindsey has a compassionate heart and has spent her life serving those around her. While working and raising four children, she went on mission trips to Honduras not once, not twice, but eight separate times!

    Today she has one son serving as a Marine Embassy Guard in Europe, another son finishing up his teaching degree in Greeley, CO, and adopted twins, son and daughter, who are currently seniors in high school. In her spare time, Lindsey enjoys travelling and gardening on her five-acre ranch, where you are likely to find her flanked by her four dogs and 22 chickens. The MSA is delighted to welcome Lindsey to the team!

  • Amy has been working with the MSA as a grant writer since 2017. Prior to this she worked for a brief time as an Art Therapist for the Women’s Group. Amy’s received a certificate in Grant Writing, Management and Program Evaluation from UCCS and also received her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Alliant International University. She is passionate about helping people and making that which is invisible, visible.

  • A 2020 addition to the MSA staff, Bryan Koenig has worked in customer service and tech support for over seven years. He specializes in helping clients with everyday tech needs from setting up new tablets, to diagnosing and repairing computer systems and everything in between. He is patient and able to talk the client through any tech issue that may arise. In his free time, Bryan enjoys spending time with friends and family, as well as progressing in certifications and education. You can reach him directly at (662) 769-3126, or by clicking on his name to begin an email to him.