Event Calendar
Women’s Support
We had a special visit from Brynn Adamson of UCCS today. She talked about the Move MS program the UCCS hosts online on Thursday's at 4:00pm. Every 8 weeks they change the exercises, keeping it fun and interesting, and (most-importantly) MS-targeted. Each 8 week session is $60, or about $7 a class. If you can't afford this, she asks you to reach out to her so UCCS can work something out. She also taking applications for a research study that will pay participants $45 at the first activity test and $45 again at the closing activity test. The study centers around the effects of seated Pilates exercises. This 12 week program will begin May 10th, and there are 6 slots left, so if you are interested in participating, speak up quickly! Finally, Brynn herself will be coming to the MSA office to provide an in-person exercise program starting around the end of May. She would like to know what days work best for everyone. Contact the MSA office with any questions and suggestions, and if you would like to volunteer for the seated Pilates research, or call Brynn directly at her UCCS office at (719) 255-3585.