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How Giving to Others is Beneficial to You

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community? Interested in making a difference in the lives of others? Wondering how you can improve the quality of your life? As human beings we all seek a sense of purpose in our lives and many of us find this in the workplace or with family. However, there are many still that feel there is a piece missing. How do we fulfill our need to feel as though we are making a positive impact on our world and the lives of others? The Multiple Sclerosis Alliance of Southern Colorado has the answer… We volunteer!
Studies abound on the positive effects that volunteering has on the volunteer. Segal and Robinson (2018) highlight some of the benefits of volunteering as being connected to others, being good for you mentally and physically, posing the opportunity to further develop your career and finally can be not only fun but fulfilling. These benefits sound great, right! Perhaps you recognize these as things you want in your life but are unsure how to get started or of what it is you would have to offer. Well, everyone at every age and in every life circumstance has something valuable and special to offer. Maybe it’s a comforting word or a receptive ear. It may be a crafty hobby that inspires, or a professional skill set that you are currently using. The bottom line is that YOU are the important piece that brings value to volunteering.
Let’s take a look at what these benefits may look like on both sides. Just imagine making connections with others that may last a lifetime or how your interaction with someone who may not have the opportunity to socialize on a regular basis would make a world of difference to them. Socialization carries with it many positive benefits for all those involved including increasing interpersonal skills, buffering against depression and isolation and the potential to increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Also, depending on the type of volunteering you choose you may find yourself increasing your physical activity which is good for the mind and body. Some of these benefits may also be seen if you are looking to build your resume, change careers, learn a new skill or increase your current skill set, volunteering. You can find opportunities to learn or advance skills in positions from office administration, event planning or marketing to fund development and leadership. The contribution of your time helps on many levels from offering clients and members a familiar and friendly face to helping staff to organize and coordinate programs and events that benefit the clients as well as the community. Perhaps one of the most important elements in your decision of choosing where and how to give your time is finding something that you enjoy or a cause that you are passionate about. Volunteering shouldn’t feel like a dreadful task you feel obligated to do. It should be something you look forward to because you have fun and find it fulfilling. Whether it is helping with a special event like Casino Night or a Music Benefit or working in the office and building rapport with clients and members, we at the Multiple Sclerosis Alliance have a place for you that you will find beneficial and fulfilling!
Still want to give back but your current schedule is booked? As a local non-profit, the Multiple Sclerosis Alliance is proud to ensure that all donations remain local and help those with MS in our community. Visit our website at to volunteer or donate or call our office at 719.633.4603.

Segal, J. PhD & Robinson, L. (March 2018). Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits. Retrieved from